Supernova AT2022qug
designationhosttyperadecdiscovereddiscoverer(s)max datemax magnlast obsmagn
AT2022qugM31EGN13:47:20.00+41:34:10.07 Aug 2022Filipp Romanov7 Aug 2022171.07 Aug 2022171.0

Alternative reference(s): Romanov N2, PNV J00424712+4117103

The following all-sky chart shows the position of the transient.

The below chart shows the position of the transient in a field of view optimized for (~10x50) binoculars and finderscopes. (North up)

The below chart shows the position of the transient in a telescopic 2.0 x 1.4 degree field of view. (South up)

    magn:     magnitude (brightness) estimate    
    max magn: peak brightness of the transient
    ra:       right ascension in hours (24h = 360deg)
    dec:      declination in degrees

Active supernova data as provided by ASRAS (Astronomy Section Rochester Academy of Science).
Galactic nova data as provided by Project Pluto.
Calculations by a modified version of AAPlus, a C# implementation of the AA+ project by PJ Naughter from the algorithms presented in the book "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus.
NGC2000 dso catalog and star labels from VizieR as provided by the Strasbourg astronomical Data Center.
Tycho2 catalog from the ESO archive.