C/2024 M1 (ATLAS) |
ephemeris |
date |
magn |
radius |
delta |
ra |
dec |
elong |
phase |
PA |
Perihelion | 20 Nov 2024 | 14.8 | 1.703 AU | 0.842 AU | 06h04m | -05°26' | 136.9° | 23.4° | 307° |
Nearest approach | 6 Dec 2024 | 14.6 | 1.717 AU | 0.737 AU | 05h00m | +13°32' | 170.8° | 5.2° | 351° |
Today | 14 Feb 2025 | 17.2 | 2.022 AU | 1.823 AU | 02h20m | +51°57' | 86.6° | 29.2° | 64° |
C/2024 M1 (ATLAS)- 2025-02-14
The interactive orbit chart above shows the comet's path through the solar system and its position at the given date.
Green and blue lines are shown perpendicular to the ecliptic plane: Green if the path is above the ecliptic plane, blue if it is below.
(Left-click and drag to rotate the view; Right-click and drag to move the view; Use scroll wheel to zoom in our out.)
The orbital elements of C/2024 M1 (ATLAS) are:
e (Eccentricity) : 0.9430450
q (Perihelion distance) : 1.7033330
i (Inclination) : 73.70990
Ω (Longitude of ascending node) : 76.21500
ω (Argument of perihelion) : 345.59420
L (Longitude of perihelion) : 72.09392
B (Latitude of perihelion) : -13.81573
T (Time of perihelion passage) : 2460634.51830
P (Orbital period in years) : 163.55
Epoch : 2025 Feb 13
Reference : MPEC 2025-CE3
Classification(s): : Nearly isotropic; Returning (a < 10000 AU); Halley type (P < 200 years)
The light curve chart below shows the estimated development of the comet's magnitude. Blue and black dots are visual and photometric CCD observations respectively from COBS or the MPC.
The gray curve is based on the absolute magnitude and slope parameter as calculated from the original MPEC, or the latest values provided by the MPC (12.00 + 5 log[∆] + 10.00 log[r]), whereas the red curve is being recalculated every 6 hours based on the available COBS/MPC observations (currently 12.87 + 5 log[∆] + 10.00 log[r]).