C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) |
ephemeris |
date |
magn |
radius |
delta |
ra |
dec |
elong |
phase |
PA |
Nearest approach | 12 Sep 2023 | 3.2 | 0.291 AU | 0.838 AU | 11h11m | +19°01' | 14.8° | 117.6° | 352° |
Perihelion | 17 Sep 2023 | 2.6 | 0.225 AU | 0.927 AU | 12h24m | +07°24' | 12.5° | 104.0° | 67° |
Today | 14 Feb 2025 | 20.3 | 6.771 AU | 6.143 AU | 08h39m | -38°21' | 126.0° | 6.8° | 22° |
Please be aware that cometary behaviour is difficult to predict by nature.
Predictions on this page are based on standard models and the latest observations available to me, and will gradually improve with time.
The ability of comets to either disappoint or pleasantly surprise us, is one of many things that make them so interesting.
C/2023 P1 (Nishimura)- 2025-02-14
The interactive orbit chart above shows the comet's path through the solar system and its position at the given date.
Green and blue lines are shown perpendicular to the ecliptic plane: Green if the path is above the ecliptic plane, blue if it is below.
(Left-click and drag to rotate the view; Right-click and drag to move the view; Use scroll wheel to zoom in our out.)
The orbital elements of C/2023 P1 (Nishim